Allowlist Harness domains and IPs
Harness SaaS Delegates only need outbound access to the Harness domain name (most commonly, and, optionally, to The URL is used to provi…
Data retention
Data retention for Harness products is different depending on the Harness product and plan you are using. For example, Harness CD and CCM have different data retentions. To see the data retention for…
Entity deletion reference
This topic covers the rules governing the deletion of Harness entities. Entity Connections. Entities are connected. A Role entity is applied to User entities. Deleting an entity, such as a Role, impa…
Entity identifier reference
Many Harness entities and resources include a unique Id (entity Identifier) that's immutable once the entity is created. Identifiers provide a permanent way to refer to an entity, and avoid issues th…
Entity retention policy
This topic lists the Harness entity retention policy. Retention Policy Defaults. All Harness entities share the same retention policy. You can change the retention policy. The default retention polic…
Harness entity reference
The term entity is used to refer to the components of Harness. Most entities can be created at the account, organization, and project level. In this topic -- Examples of Entities. Entity Identifiers. E…
Permissions and ports for Harness connections
Permissions and ports for all of the integrations.
Entity name and Id rules
This topic covers the rules about identical names and Ids for Harness entities.
Fixed values, runtime inputs, and expressions
Most settings in Harness Pipelines allow you to use Fixed Values, Runtime Inputs, and Expressions. This topic describes each of these options. Fixed Values. Fixed Values are simply values that you en…
Tags reference
You can add Tags to Harness entities and then use the Tags to search for all matching entities. For example, you can add a Tag to a Harness Project and then filter the list of Projects by Tag. What a…