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Monitor Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition

You can monitor your Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition installation and receive alerts on metrics such as CPU, memory, and disk usage.

Monitoring Overview

The Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition monitoring options available depend on whether you are running Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition - Virtual Machine or Kubernetes Cluster.

Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition - Virtual Machine comes with built in monitoring using Prometheus, Grafana, and Alertmanager, but Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition - Kubernetes Cluster requires that you set up monitoring on your own.

Monitoring Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition - Virtual Machine

Monitoring is included in Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition - Virtual Machine by default.

The KOTS admin tool for a running version of Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition - Virtual Machine displays Prometheus monitoring:

When you installed Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition - Virtual Machine, you were provided with Prometheus, Grafana, and Alertmanager ports and passwords in the output of the installer. For example:

The UIs of Prometheus, Grafana and Alertmanager have been exposed on NodePorts 30900, 30902 and 30903 respectively.  
To access Grafana use the generated user: xxxxx password of admin: xxxxx.

To view these addresses, log into the VM running Harness, and then view the Kubernetes services running in the monitoring namespace:

kubectl get svc -n monitoring

The output will be something like this:

NAME                    TYPE        CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE  
alertmanager-main NodePort <none> 9093:30903/TCP 282d
alertmanager-operated ClusterIP None <none> 9093/TCP,9094/TCP,9094/UDP 282d
grafana NodePort <none> 3000:30902/TCP 282d
kube-state-metrics ClusterIP None <none> 8443/TCP,9443/TCP 282d
node-exporter ClusterIP None <none> 9100/TCP 282d
prometheus-adapter ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 282d
prometheus-k8s NodePort <none> 9090:30900/TCP 282d
prometheus-operated ClusterIP None <none> 9090/TCP 282d
prometheus-operator ClusterIP None <none> 8080/TCP 282d


The Prometheus port number is taken from the prometheus-k8s service (in this example 30900).

Combine that port number with the public IP for Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition and you have the Prometheus endpoint.

If you have a load balancer configured, then configure it to support the prometheus-k8s port number.In the KOTS admin tool, in Application, click Configure Prometheus Address.

In Configure graphs, enter the URL using the public IP and the Prometheus port number.

Click Save. The graphs appear.


The Grafana port is listed by running kubectl get svc -n monitoring:

grafana                 NodePort   <none>        3000:30902/TCP               

Combine that port number with the public IP for Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition and you have the Grafana endpoint. For example

Log into Grafana using the generated username and password you received when you installed Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition:

To access Grafana use the generated user: xxxxx password of admin: xxxxx.

If you do not have the username and password, log into the VM hosting Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition and run the following:

kubectl get secrets grafana-admin -n monitoring -o yaml

Once you are logged in, go to Dashboards and click a default dashboard or created a new one.

For example, open the Kubernetes / Pods dashboard.

See Grafana docs for information on creating dashboards.

For information on querying Prometheus, see Querying Prometheus.


The Alertmanager port is listed by running kubectl get svc -n monitoring:

alertmanager-main       NodePort   <none>        9093:30903/TCP

Combine that port number with the public IP for Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition and you have the Alertmanager endpoint. For example

See Alerting Rules from Prometheus for details on setting up alerts.

Monitoring Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition - Kubernetes Cluster

Harness does not provide default monitoring for Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition - Kubernetes Cluster.

You can deploy a Prometheus server and Grafana to monitor Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition - Kubernetes Cluster. For steps on setting up monitoring using Prometheus, Grafana, and Alertmanager, see Prometheus in the KOTS docs.

If you have an existing Prometheus setup, in the KOTS admin tool you can click Configure Prometheus Address and then enter the Prometheus URL endpoint.

Availability Monitoring

The following table shows the two available URL endpoints. These are microservices with external endpoints (they have Ingress configured by default).

In these examples, <domain name> represents your vanity URL (for example, If your load balancer directs internal traffic for then the URLs can use that address.

Service NameEndpointResponse
Verificationhttps://<domain name>/verification/health{"metaData":{},"resource":"healthy","responseMessages":[]}

The following methods can be used for monitoring other Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition microservices: