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Manage Tags

Tags are used to provide metadata for organizing, searching, and filtering components. This topic describes how to manage all the Tags used in your Harness account.

To access all Tags for your Harness account, select Setup > Tags Management. This displays the Tags Management page.

Here, all Harness users can:

  • View Tags. (Note the Search by Tag Name field at the top right, which filters the display.)
  • View Tags' usage in the Used Values column.
  • Click individual entries in the Tag Name or Used Values columns to display expanded usage details. (The Tag Usage Details modal expands the previous display's row for the owner Tag. Within this Tag Usage Details modal, you can click the linked components to view their configuration.)

In this topic:

Before You Begin

Step: Create Tag Keys

Users whose User Group includes the Manage Tag Account permission can create a new Tag, as follows:

  1. Select Setup > Tags Management page > Create Tag (upper-right corner).
  2. In the resulting Create Tag dialog, assign a unique Tag Name as the key.

Optionally, you can restrict the new Tag to a set of Allowed Values before you click SUBMIT.

Option 1: Update Tag Keys

Users who have the Manage Tag Account permission can update an existing Tag on the Tags Management page, by clicking on that Tag row's More Options ⋮ menu.

This menu provides the following options:

  • Click Usage Details to open the same Tag Usage Details modal available by clicking in the Tag Name column.
  • Click Edit to open the Edit Tag dialog, where you can add or remove Allowed Values. (You cannot change the Tag Name here.)
  • Click Delete to delete the Tag key from Harness. (This also frees up its name for reuse.) You will see the confirmation message box below.

There is no automatic undo. To restore a removed Tag key, you will need to manually re-enter it, along with any Allowed Values.

Option 2: Restrict Allowed Values

To restrict the values that users can apply to a Tag, simply type your approved values into the Allowed Values field. Press Tab or Enter after each entry.

After you click SUBMIT to create the Tag, it will appear on the Tags Management page with an R(estricted) icon. Hover over the icon to display the restrictions.