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Other SEI integrations

This topic explains how to configure:

  • The Jenkins Job Reporter plugin.
  • Custom CI/CD integrations through webhooks.

For information about the Custom integration that uses an Ingestion Satellite, go to Ingestion Satellites.


In addition to SEI integrations, you can import CSV files and display the data in Table reports.

Jenkins Job Reporter plugin

The Job Reporter plugin is a tool, written in Java, that sends reports about Jenkins builds to SEI. It monitors all job runs, and, when a job run completes (successfully or not), it sends information about job run (including any failure logs) to SEI. This plugin doesn't do periodic pushes.

The plugin gathers information about job stages and steps depending on the outcome and structure of the job:

  • If a job run fails, and the job has no stages, then the plugin captures the job's failure logs.
  • If a job run fails, and the job has stages but no steps, then the plugin captures failure logs for the failed stages.
  • If a job run fails, and hte job has steps, then the plugin captures failure logs for the failed steps.
  • The plugin doesn't capture logs for any successful jobs, stages, or steps.

To use this plugin, you need to install the plugin in Jenkins.

  1. In Jenkins, select Manage Jenkins.
  2. Select Manage Plugins.
  3. Select the Available plugins tab, and search for Job Reporter.
  4. Locate and install the SEI Job Reporter plugin. Select Install without restart.

When plugin installation is complete, the status changes to success. If it doesn't change to success, you might need to restart.

Plugin dependencies

The following table lists other Jenkins plugins for which the Job Reporter plugin has dependencies. It includes links to the plugins on the Jenkins plugins marketplace. These are in addition to required and implied dependencies listed on the Job Reporter plugin's Jenkins plugin marketplace page.

Dependency nameDirect/Indirect dependencyVersion
REST Implementation for Blue OceanDirect1.23.2
Common API for Blue OceanIndirect1.23.2
REST API for Blue OceanIndirect1.23.2
Design LanguageIndirect1.23.2
Blue Ocean Core JSIndirect1.23.2
Web for Blue OceanIndirect1.23.2
JWT for Blue OceanIndirect1.23.2
Pipeline implementation for Blue OceanDirect1.23.2
Pipeline SCM API for Blue OceanIndirect1.23.2
HTML PublisherIndirect1.23
Dashboard for Blue OceanDirect1.23.2
Pub-Sub "light" BusIndirect1.13

Custom CI/CI integrations (webhooks)

SEI supports custom CI/CD integrations through webhooks. Use this for CI/CD tools that don't have a dedicated SEI integration, such as Jenkins and GitHub Actions.

  1. Create a Harness API key to use for authorization.
  2. Contact Harness Support to get a UUID to identify your CI/CD system.
  3. Configure the webhook API call according to the following webhook specification.

Webhook specification

  • Summary: Post CI/CD data to SEI
  • Method: POST
  • Base URL:
  • Header: Requires API key authorization. The content type is application/json
  • Body: Contains a data object with request_type and payload.

Here is an example of a request:

// POST CICD data to Propelo
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Apikey <apikey> ' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"request_type": "JenkinsPluginJobRunComplete",
"payload": "{
"pipeline":"Node.js CI",
"instance_name":"Jenkins Instance",
"job_full_name":"Node.js CI--github action",
"qualified_name":"Node.js CI--github action",

Payload fields

payload is an object with required and optional fields.

Required fields:

  • pipeline: The name of the CI/CD job.
  • job_full_name: Same as pipeline.
  • qualified_name: Same as pipeline.
  • instance_name: The CI/CD instance identifier (not the UUID).
  • instance_guid: Your CI/CD instance UUID.
  • start_time: Job start time in epoch milliseconds.
  • duration: Job duration in seconds.
  • result: Either success or failure.

Optional fields:

  • execution_parameters: An array of key/value objects that can be used to send additional information about the pipeline or deployment.
  • scm_commit_ids: An array of commit ids related to the deployment
  • triggered_by
  • repo_url
  • build_number
  • instance_url
  • job_run
  • module_name
  • ci and cd: One is true and the other is false, depending on whether this is for a CI job or a CD job.
  • artifacts: An array of information about the job run, including input, output, type, location, name, qualifier, hash, and metatdata.
  • trigger_chain
  • branch_name
  • module_name
  • job_normalized_full_name

Here is an example payload:

"pipeline":"Node.js CI",
"instance_name":"Jenkins Instance",
"job_full_name":"Node.js CI--github action",
"qualified_name":"Node.js CI--github action",