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I have a secret that is connected to vault.

How would i view it? Do i need to connect to vault?

For security reasons you would need to connect to Vault to view the secrets. You can use them however.

You can reference the secrets using the following as a guide


I'm getting an error "missing expected [" whereas I did not get it before

You might get the error below because Harness standardized to move from using maps to sets of strings for tags

Planning failed. Terraform encountered an error while generating this plan.
Error: missing expected [
Error: Terraform exited with code 1.
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.

To fix this update your state file to change the tags field from a map to a set of strings for example "tags": {} to "tags": []

What RBAC permissions do users executing pipeline tasks using API need?

The simple answer is that a user executing pipeline tasks either it is to modify or execute pipeline, will need the same permissions when running via API as if they were running the same tasks through the Harness UI.

How can I resolve environment variables in JEXL conditions?

Unfortunately, JEXL conditions do not support the direct usage of environment variables. The conditions in JEXL only allow the use of variable expressions that can be resolved before the stage is executed. Since environment variables are resolved during runtime, it is not possible to utilize variable expressions that cannot be resolved until the stage is run.

What is the Perpretual Task(PT) Iterator delay (Max delay from PT created, to PT being assigned if delegate is available) ?

Max delay is 60s, we run pt iterator every 60s for task assignment

What is the delegate poll interval for new PT tasks. (Max delay from PT being assigned to delegate picking it up and executing it, say there is only 1 delegate) ?

It depends on task to task, you can find the interval for your task in perpetualTaskScheduleConfig in dms db

Can we check the past connectivity of delegates, Whether the delegates we available at a particular time?

Yes , this can be checked via delegate logs.

If there are some users that were manually added to the account, then will they get removed once the SCIM integration is configured/enabled for the account?

No, manually added users will not be removed after SCIM integration added, they would continue to be part of account.

What happens if the same user was manually added first and is part of the SCIM?

If the same user was manually added first and now pushed from SCIM, it would be marked externally managed, and from that point onwards this user would be updated through SCIM (i.e. name, email of user would get updated through SCIM).

Do we have any notification when delegates enter an expired state in NextGen ?

No, as of now we don't support but it is in our roadmap.

Do we have some kind of dashboards where I can track my current status of delegates ?

Yes , you can setup prometheus to get the metrics . For more Information on setting that up, please go through the following Documentation

Does delegates logs are only sent to Harness or can I also query delegate logs in my own cloud logging system ?

By default, delegate logs are only sent to Harness and it can be enabled/disabled using this env variable - STACK_DRIVER_LOGGING_ENABLED . To know more about this, please go through the following Documentation

You need to Enable Authorization in your SAML post that you need to enable SAML.

I have FF PL_NO_EMAIL_FOR_SAML_ACCOUNT_INVITES enabled, but still I am getting emails when I add a user in an Org/Project

The FF PL_NO_EMAIL_FOR_SAML_ACCOUNT_INVITES works for UserInvite case. For cases where a User is added as member to a UserGroup, a separate notification is sent which is not dependent on this FF.

I have a large list of users to fetch but the API has a limit of 100 it takes lot of time, Do we have any alternative ?

To retrieve the list of users from API, you can use the following curl command.

curl --location --request GET '<AccountId>&limit=3000&offset=0' \
--header 'accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
--header 'authorization: Bearer ${token}' \

Can same Github Repository be used for Different Projects with GitX Enabled?

Yes you can add multiple projects to the same repository, GitX is entity based not project based .

Can Harness Support Group at any point of time have write access to our account ?

No , Harness will never have any write access to your account.

Is auto-upgrade available for ECS delegates ?

We only support auto upgrade for delegates in K8s Infra.

Is SAML single logout url supported ?

Yes it is supported, this can be configured while setting up SAML.

What is the Idle Session Timeout ? Can it be configured ?

The idle session timeout is of 24 hours, we also support configuring the session timeout, it can be acheived by visiting Account Setting.

When does the old replicas get clear out post getting disconnected for immutable delegates ?

They get cleared out in 6 hours post getting disconnected .

Do we support auto upgrade in Helm type delegates ?

Yes we support auto upgrade in both these type delegates . This can be acheived by following upgrader.enabled=true while running the install command .

There are ‘Delegate Profiles’ for delegates in the CG. There are 'Startup Script' in it. What the equivalent of that in NG

You can make use of INIT_SCRIPT as below while launching delegate:

How to find User login activity in Harness

You can filter and find user login activity in Audit trail(Both in CG and NG)

How to Secure storage of the Delegate Token

You can Store delegate tokens as Kubernetes secrets: : You can also store the token in vault and can reference the token in yaml:

Not seeing any data for newly added User

Please check the User group assigned to User, If user is not assigned to any User Group/Role they will not be able to access/see any relevant data.

What is the chart name for helm delegate

Chart name is  harness-delegate-ng you can see the metadata content as below and also the repo:

Do we have any expiry for 2FA secret

No there is no expiry for 2FA secret

Is there any way to automatically accept invite for local login User

No, It’s not possible as initially user need to use invite email to set their password. This is only possible while using saml for authentication.

Is there any ability for an admin user to assume the same role as an alternate user for testing out permission issues?

No, There is no such option currently. To debug permission related issues need to check the Group and Roles assigned to user

Getting error “User is not authorized to access the account. Please contact your admin” while trying to accept the invite and setting up local login password

The most common reason for this failure is your account has domain whitelisting applied and the domain used in your username is not in allowed list and ideally in this case you will able to see "DOMAIN_WHITELIST_FILTER_CHECK_FAILED" in network tab

Rate limiting in Harness

Harness internally imposed a limit to allow a certain number of requests per minute as well as per second.

The limit we have imposed is if an account exceeds 350 QPM or 350/60 = 5.833 QPS then the requests will be throttled for all the external facings APIs. There are 14 external facing API resources and this limit applies to all those APIs.

350 QPM and 5.833 QPS

The limit gets imposed based on QPM as well as QPS. The Ratelimiter decides on what seconds out of the 60 for every minute which 50 seconds it will allow 6 QPS and rest 10 seconds allow only 5.

While running queries you might sometimes observe 429s that is because of the above limit.

429 - Server Errors : The rate limit is exceeded.

Error's with OKTA SCIM Provisioning

We usually see issues related to SCIM provisioning with OKTA and below are Steps you need to validate for the same. Validate the SCIM Connector Base Url , sometimes we mistake it with the SAMl url.


Also when you create the personal access token. Make sure it has the required the role bindings(admin).

Graphql API query to list executions with details between a specific time range

executions(filters:[{startTime:{operator:AFTER, value:1643285847000}},{endTime:{operator:BEFORE,value:1656332247000}}], limit:30) {
pageInfo {
nodes {
tags {
application {
cause {
... on ExecutedByUser {
user {
... on ExecutedByTrigger {
trigger {
... on PipelineExecution {
pipeline {
... on WorkflowExecution{
artifacts {
artifactSource {
... on DeploymentOutcome{
... on WorkflowExecution {
workflow {
artifacts {
artifactSource {
... on DeploymentOutcome{

2FA not working and user is unable to login

A user can either request the admin to resend the 2FA and user can reset the 2FA in authenticator app or use the to enter the secret key and generate the code to login.

Permissions needed for SCIM token

The mandatory permission in the role which needs to be assigned to the Service Account to perform the SCIM operation with the token would be: With only the User / User Group permission to the service account the Token created could perform the SCIM operations.

Disable Local Login in Harness Account

You will need to reach to Harness Support to enable the Feature Flag DISABLE_LOCAL_LOGIN in order to disable local login for the account.

API to fetch all the users in the Harness

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'authority:' \
--header 'accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
--header 'accept-language: en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8' \
--header 'adrum: isAjax:true' \
--header 'authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' \
--header 'referer:' \
--header 'sec-ch-ua: "Not.A/Brand";v="8", "Chromium";v="114", "Google Chrome";v="114"' \
--header 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' \
--header 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "macOS"' \
--header 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' \
--header 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' \
--header 'sec-fetch-site: same-origin'

Unable to see the Launch Next Gen button on First Gen UI after logging in.

There are permissions for the User group "Hide NextGen Button" under Account Permission in any User Group. Make sure this is toggled to Off else you won't see the Luanch Next Gen option in the UI.

User login issue in case of user being part of multiple account

In case you are a part of multiple account and 1 account has SAML login and other has Username/Password. User must make sure that the SAML account is set as default account, else it wont work with SAML login as the login mechanism of the default account is taken into consideration.