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4 - ECS Environments

Creating a Harness Environment for ECS is a simple process. First, you specify the ECS Deployment Type. Then, you specify the ECS cluster where you want to deploy the ECS Task and Service that you defined in your Harness Services.

Create an Environment

To create the Harness Environment for ECS, do the following:

  1. In your Harness Application, click Environments.
  2. Click Add Environment. The Environment dialog appears.
  3. In the Environment dialog, enter a name (such as Stage), select the Non-Production type (you can add your production environment later), and click Submit. The new Environment appears.

Define the Infrastructure

Next, you define one or more Infrastructure Definitions for the Environment.

For ECS, an Infrastructure Definition specifies the ECS cluster, launch type, and related VPC information.

To create an Infrastructure Definition:

  1. On your Environment page, click Add Infrastructure Definition.

    The Infrastructure Definition dialog appears.

  2. Enter a Name that will identify this Infrastructure Definition when you add it to a Workflow.

  3. In Cloud Provider Type, select Amazon Web Services.

  4. In Deployment Type, select Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS). This expands the Infrastructure Definition dialog to look something like this:

  5. Select Use Already Provisioned Infrastructure, and follow the Define a Provisioned Infrastructure steps below.

Harness supports Terraform, CloudFormation, and custom Shell Script provisioning. Learn about each option here:

If you are using a configured Harness Infrastructure Provisioner, instead select Map Dynamically Provisioned Infrastructure, select the Harness Infrastructure Provisioner you set up, and click Submit.

Define a Provisioned Infrastructure

Harness supports Terraform, CloudFormation, and custom Shell Script provisioning. Learn about each option here:

To fill out the Infrastructure Definition dialog's lower section:

  1. In Cloud Provider, select the AWS Cloud Provider you set up for your ECS deployment.
  2. In Region, select the AWS region where your ECS cluster is located.
  3. In Cluster Name, select the ECS cluster where Harness will deploy the Task Definition and Service defined in the Harness Service you will use with this Environment.
  4. In Launch Type, select either Fargate LaunchType or EC2 Instances.
    The only difference when configuring these launch types is that Fargate LaunchType requires that you specify the Target Execution Role in the next field.If you are using an ECS Capacity provider strategy, see Capacity Providers.
  5. In VPC, select the VPC where the ECS Cluster is located.
  6. In Security Groups, select the AWS security group(s) that you want to use when creating instances. (This drop-down lists Security Groups by Group ID. You can locate the Group ID in the ECS Dashboard under Security Groups.)
  7. In Subnets, select the VPC subnet(s) where the EC2 instances will be located.
  8. Select Assign Public IP if you want external public IP addresses assigned to the deployed container tasks.
  9. Enable Scope to Specific Services, and use the adjacent drop-down to select the Harness Service you've configured for ECS.

Scoping is a recommended step, to make this Infrastructure Definition available to any Workflow or Phase that uses this Service.1. Click Submit. The new Infrastructure Definition is added to your Environment. You will select this Environment and Infrastructure Definition when you create your Harness Workflow.

Capacity Providers

If you are using a Capacity provider strategy (the capacityProviderStrategy is used in your ECS Service definition), select one of the following launch type:

  • For FARGATE or FARGATE_SPOT strategies, select Fargate Launch Type.
  • For the Auto Scaling group strategy, select EC2 Instances.

Next Step

Now that you have an ECS Service and Environment set up, you can create an ECS Workflow: