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Connect to Dynatrace

The first step in using Dynatrace with Harness is to set up a Dynatrace Verification Provider in Harness.

A Harness Verification Provider is a connection to monitoring tools such as Dynatrace. Once Harness is connected, you can use Deployment Verification with your Dynatrace data and analysis.

Before You Begin

Step 1: Generate Dynatrace Access Token

Dynatrace requires token-based authentication for accessing the Dynatrace API. For more information, see Access tokens from Dynatrace.

To generate a Dynatrace access token, do the following:

  1. Log into your Dynatrace environment.

  2. In the navigation menu, click Settings, and then click Integration.

  3. Select Dynatrace API. The Dynatrace API page appears.

  4. Enter a token name in the text field. The default Dynatrace API token switches are sufficient for Harness.

  5. Click Generate. The token appears in the token list.

  6. Click Edit. The token details appear.

  7. Click Copy. You will use this token when connecting Harness to Dynatrace, described below.

Step 2: Add Dynatrace Verification Provider

To add Dynatrace as a verification provider, do the following:

  1. In Harness, click Setup.

  2. Click Connectors.

  3. Click Verification Providers.

  4. Click Add Verification Provider, and select Dynatrace. The Dynatrace dialog for your provider appears.

Step 3: URL

The URL of your Dynatrace account. The URL has the following syntax:

HTTPS is mandatory for Dynatrace connections.

Step 4: API Token

For secrets and other sensitive settings, select or create a new Harness Encrypted Text secret.In Encrypted API Token, enter in the API token you created in Dynatrace, described above.

Step 5: Display Name

The name for the Dynatrace verification provider connection in Harness. If you will have multiple Dynatrace connections, enter a unique name.

You will use this name to select this connection when integrating Dynatrace with the Verify Steps of your workflows, described below.

Step 6: Usage Scope

Usage scope is inherited from the secrets used in the settings.

Next Steps