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1 – Instana Connection Setup

The first step in using Instana with Harness is to set up a Instana Verification Provider in Harness.

A Harness Verification Provider is a connection to monitoring tools such as Instana. Once Harness is connected, you can use Harness 24/7 Service Guard and Deployment Verification with your Instana data and analysis.

Instana Verification Provider Setup

To add Instana as a verification provider:

  1. Click Setup.

  2. Click Connectors, and then click Verification Providers.

  3. Click Add Verification Provider, and select Instana. The Add**Instana Verification Provider** dialog appears.

  4. Complete the following fields in this dialog.On Instana, you must have the account owner role to create the API token needed to connect Harness to Instana.

Display NameEnter a display name for the provider. If you are going to use multiple providers of the same type, ensure that you give each provider a different name.
Instana URLEnter the URL of the Instana server, such as:https://integration-<your-company>
Encrypted API TokenSelect or create a new Harness Encrypted Text secret for your Instana API token.
Usage ScopeUsage scope is inherited from the secrets used in the settings.

To create an API key in Instana, do the following:

  1. In Instana Settings, select Team Settings > API Tokens.
  2. Select Add API Token.
  3. On the resulting New API Token page, enter a name for the new API key, such as Harness.
  4. Under Permssions, enable Service & Endpoint Mapping.
  5. Copy the value from the API Token field, and save the token.
  6. In Harness, paste the token's value into the API Token field.

Testing and Saving Your Setup

  1. After you have filled in the Add Instana Verification Provider dialog's settings, click Test to confirm them.
  2. Once the test is successful, click Submit to create your new Instana Connector.

Next Step