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Apply Custom Thresholds to Deployment Verification

Use Custom Thresholds to define two types of rules that override normal verification behavior:

  • Ignore Hints that instruct Harness to skip certain metrics/value combinations from verification analysis.
  • Fast-Fail Hints that cause a Workflow to enter a failed state.

This topic covers:


  • Harness currently supports Ignore thresholds for all verification providers.
  • Fail fast thresholds are supported with New Relic, Prometheus and Custom APMs.

Before You Begin

  • In a Workflow's Verify Service section, click Add Verification.
  • In the resulting Add Step settings, select a verification provider compatible with Custom Thresholds.
    Configure at least one Metrics Collection.

Step 1: Invoke Custom Thresholds

To begin defining one or more Custom Thresholds:

  1. In your Workflow, in the CV step you add, such as Configure Prometheus, click the pencil icon shown below.

  2. In the resulting dialog, select either the Ignore Hints or the Fast-Fail Hints tab.

  3. Click Add Threshold to begin defining a rule, as shown below.

Step 2: Define a Rule

  1. Use the drop-downs to select a desired Transaction Name and Metric Name from your defined Metrics Collections.
  2. For Fast-Fail Hints, select an Action to take: Fail immediately, Fail after multiple occurrences, or Fail after multiple occurrences in a row. Two of these selections will expose a field where you must also specify the threshold Occurrence Count.

Step 3: Select Criteria

Select the Criteria for this rule, and enter a corresponding Value.

For various Criteria selections, the Value field's label will change to Less than for Ignore Hints, and to Greater than and/or Less than selectors for Fast-Fail Hints (as shown below).

Here are the Criteria and Value options available for the metric you've selected:

Absolute ValueEnter a literal value of the selected metric. In Ignore Hints, observed values Less than this threshold will be skipped from verification analysis. In Fast-Fail Hints, use the Range Selector drop-down to select whether observed values Less than or Greater than your threshold Value will move the Workflow to a failed state.
Percentage DeviationEnter a threshold percentage at which to either skip the metric from analysis (Ignore Hints), or fail the Workflow (Fast-Fail Hints). Units here are percentages, so entering 3 will set the threshold at a 3% anomaly from the norm.
DeviationThis also sets a threshold deviation from the norm. But here, the units are not percentages, but literal values of the selected metric.

Step 4: Add Rules and Save

  1. If you want to define additional rules, click Add Threshold, then repeat Steps 2–3.
  2. Click Submit to save your rules and apply them to this Verification step.

Next Steps

When you deploy this Workflow: Where a Fast-Fail Hint moves the Workflow to a failed state, the Workflow's Details panel for the corresponding Verification step will indicate the triggering threshold.