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Overview of Harness AIDA for asset governance


Currently, AIDA for asset governance is a beta feature that is behind the feature flag CCM_GOVERNANCE_GENAI_ENABLE. Contact Harness Support to enable the feature.

By enforcing governance rules, asset governance policies play a crucial role in governing cloud assets and optimizing costs. At times, authoring these policies can be challenging and confusing. In such situations, the Harness AI Development Assistant (AIDA) can assist with creating policies. Harness AIDA offers a user-friendly interface and serves as an excellent starting point for establishing the necessary policies. By leveraging this tool, you can streamline the process of policy development and ensure that the required policies are effectively implemented.

Harness AIDA offers comprehensive support with the following functionalities:

  • Assists in writing rules based on your requirements: Harness AIDA helps you formulate rules tailored to your specific needs. It understands your requirements and generates customized rules to align with your governance objectives.
  • Provides descriptions of existing rules: Harness AIDA offers detailed descriptions of built-in rules. This feature enables you to understand the purpose, scope, and implications of each rule, thereby facilitating informed decision-making during the policy creation process.

Harness recommends using the rules generated with AIDA as references to build your policies.

  • To create a new rule based on your requirement:

  • To view comprehensive information on both out-of-the-box rules and custom rules:

For more information about legal terms and data privacy with AIDA, review the following legal pages: