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Use HashiCorp Vault Secrets Manager API

Harness includes a built-in Secrets Management feature that enables you to store encrypted secrets, such as access keys, and use them in your Harness Applications.

This topic describes how to create, read, update, and delete HashiCorp Vault Secrets Manager using Harness API.

Before You Begin

Create a Secret Manager Using HashiCorp Vault

Use this sample query to create a Secret Manager.


You create a Secret Manager using the mutation createSecretManager.

mutation CreateSecretManagerMutation($secretManagerInput: CreateSecretManagerInput!) {  
createSecretManager(input: $secretManagerInput) {
secretManager {

Query Variables

The Query Variables follow this syntax, with secretManagerType identifying the Secret Manager to create.

"secretManagerInput": {
"secretManagerType": "HASHICORP_VAULT",
"hashicorpVaultConfigInput": {
"name": "abc test 222",
"vaultUrl": "",
"basePath": "harness",
"secretEngineName": "harness-test",
"secretEngineVersion": 1,
"secretEngineRenewalInterval": 60,
"authDetails": {
"authToken": "s.xxxxxxxxxxxxx11"
"usageScope": {
"appEnvScopes": [
{"application": {
"filterType": "ALL"
"environment": {

Update a Secret Manager Using HashiCorp Vault

Use this sample query to update a Secret Manager.


You update a Secret Manager using the mutation updateSecretManager.

mutation UpdateSecretManagerMutation($input: UpdateSecretManagerInput!) {  
updateSecretManager(input: $input) {
secretManager {

Query Variable

The Query Variables follow this syntax, with secretManagerId and secretManagerType identifying the Secret Manager to update.

"input": {
"secretManagerId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"secretManagerType": "HASHICORP_VAULT",
"hashicorpVaultConfigInput": {
"name": "new name",
"isDefault": true,
"secretEngineRenewalInterval": 120

Delete a Secret Manager Using HashiCorp Vault

Use this sample query to delete a Secret Manager.


You delete a Secret Manager using the mutation deleteSecretManager.

mutation DeleteSecretManagerMutation($input: DeleteSecretManagerInput!){  
deleteSecretManager(input: $input){

Query Variable

The Query Variables follow this syntax, with secretManagerId  identifying the Secret Manager to delete.

"input": {
"clientMutationId": "xPxNsOusEaAsdQifDdGxx",
"secretManagerId": "ZZZ07Kh4SC2sI_unqKqXxX"