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Supported platforms and technologies

This topic lists Harness support for platforms, methodologies, and related technologies for NextGen modules.

Continuous Delivery (CD) and GitOps

This section lists the supported CD features and integrations you can use in Harness for deploying and verifying your apps.

  • Overview:

  • Supported connectors for deployment:

    • Kubernetes connector
      • Username and password
      • Client key and secret
      • OIDC authentication
      • Kubernetes service account
      • Assume role binding on delegate configuration
    • Google Cloud connector (GKE authentication)
      • Service Account
      • Google Cloud Role on Delegate
      • Workload Identity
    • Azure Cloud Connector (AKS Authentication)
      • Subscription Id
      • Principal and Service Account
      • GovCloud Support
    • AWS Cloud Connector (EKS Authentication)
      • IRSA
      • Access Key and Secret Key
      • IAM Role
      • GovCloud Support
  • Supported platforms for deployment:

    • Self Hosted Kubernetes
    • Google Kubernetes Engine
    • Azure Kubernetes Engine
    • AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service
    • Red Hat OpenShift
  • Versions and tooling support:

    • Kubectl Client Versions:
      • 1.16
      • 1.27
      • We support what each of the Cloud Providers support. We recommend users to keep their binary versions up to date.
      • By default Harness ships with kubectl client - 1.25
    • Tooling:
      • OpenShift - oc client binary
      • Kustomize - kustomize binary
      • Helm - Helm 3.12 and 2.8 binary.
      • Helm 3.8 can be supported via feature flag.
  • Limitations:

    • Helm:
      • Helm Hooks are not supported for this swimlane. Harness manages and orchestrates the manifests and their release.
      • Kustomize:
        • Kustomize Patches are only supported in YAML, not JSON
        • Kustomize Containerized Plugins are not supported
      • Harness managed resources:
        • Deployment
        • Secrets
        • ConfigMap
        • StatefulSet
        • HorizontalPodAutoScalar
        • PodDisruptionBudget
  • Supported integrations:

    • Traffic Shifting for Advanced Deployment Strategies:
      • Istio
      • Nginx Ingress Controller
    • All manifest type sources for fetching Kubernetes resources:
      • Github
      • Gitlab
      • Bitbucket
      • Custom Remote Source Repository
      • Harness Local File Store
    • For Helm Chart Type Manifests we also support:
      • Generic Git Provider
      • Google Cloud Storage
      • Amazon S3 Storage
      • Helm OCI Repository (ACR, ECR, GAR, Artifactory)
      • Helm HTTP Server Repository (Nexus, Artifactory)
    • Artifact repository supported to deploy with manifest:
      • DockerHub
      • Amazon Elastic Container Registry
      • Google Container Registry
      • Azure Container Registry
      • Custom Artifact Source
      • Google Artifact Registry
      • Github Package Registry
      • Nexus 3
      • Artifactory

For details on what you can deploy, go to What Can I Deploy in Kubernetes?.

Kubernetes version support

The following versions are tested and supported for Kubernetes Canary, Rolling, and Blue/Green deployments:

  • 1.13.0
  • 1.14.0
  • 1.15.0
  • 1.16.0
  • 1.17.0
  • 1.18.0
  • 1.19.4
  • 1.20.0
  • 1.21.0
  • 1.22.0
  • 1.23.0
  • 1.24.3
  • 1.24.9
  • 1.25.6

For details on other tools and versions included in Harness, see Delegate-required SDKs.


  • Harness will officially support 3 previous versions from the last stable release. For example, the current most recent stable release is 1.25.6, and so Harness supports 1.24, 1.23, and 1.22.
  • Harness supports any other versions of Kubernetes you are using on a best effort basis.
  • Harness commits to support new minor versions within 3 months of the first stable release. For example, if the stable release of 1.25.6 occurs on April 15th, we will support it for compatibility by July 15th.

Helm notes

Helm chart dependencies are not supported in Git source repositories. Helm chart dependencies are supported in Helm Chart Repositories.

Azure AKS clusters

To use an AKS cluster for deployment, the AKS cluster parameter disableLocalAccounts can be set either true or false.

Native Helm
  • Overview:
  • Supported connectors for deployment:
    • Kubernetes Connector
      • Username + Password
      • Client Key and Secret
      • OIDC Authentication
      • Kubernetes Service Account
      • Assume Rolebinding on Delegate Configuration
    • Google Cloud Connector (GKE Authentication)
      • Service Account
      • Google Cloud Role on Delegate
      • Workload Identity
    • Azure Cloud Connector (AKS Authentication)
      • Subscription ID
      • Principal and Service Account
      • GovCloud Support
    • AWS Cloud Connector (EKS Authentication)
      • IRSA
      • Access Key and Secret Key
      • IAM Role
      • GovCloud Support
  • Supported platforms for deployment:
    • Self Hosted Kubernetes
    • Google Kubernetes Engine
    • Azure Kubernetes Engine
    • AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service
    • Red Hat OpenShift
  • Versions and tooling support:
    • Helm Client Versions: 2.8 - 3.8
    • We support what each of the Cloud Providers support, we recommend users to keep their binary versions up to date
    • By default Harness ships with helm client 2.8 and 3.12.
    • Tooling:
      • OpenShift - oc client binary
      • Kustomize - kustomize binary
      • Helm - Helm 3.12 & 2.8 binary. Helm 3.8 can be supported via feature flag.
  • Limitations:
    • Helm 2 is deprecated so there is limited support for Helm 2.
    • Helm 3 is now the default for Harness Helm Chart Deployments.
    • Helm Plugins are not supported
    • Only Basic Deployment Strategy supported (No Canary or Blue-Green Support Out of the box)
  • Supported integrations:
    • Manifest Sources for fetching Helm Chart:
      • Github
      • Gitlab
      • Bitbucket
      • Generic Git Provider
      • Custom Remote Source Repository
      • Google Cloud Storage
      • Amazon S3 Storage
      • Helm OCI Repository (ACR, ECR, GAR, Artifactory)
      • Helm HTTP Server Repository (Nexus, Artifactory)
      • Harness Local File Store
    • Artifact Repository for Container Images to deploy with Chart:
      • DockerHub
      • Amazon Elastic Container Registry
      • Google Container Registry
      • Azure Container Registry
      • Custom Artifact Source
      • Google Artifact Registry
      • Github Package Registry
      • Nexus 3
      • Artifactory


Helm chart dependencies are not supported in Git source repositories. Helm chart dependencies are supported in Helm Chart Repositories.

Amazon ECS
  • Overview:
  • Supported connectors for deployment:
  • AWS Cloud Connector
    • IRSA
    • Access Key and Secret Key
    • IAM Role
    • GovCloud Support
  • Supported platforms for deployment:
    • AWS Cloud, any region
    • AWS - Launch Types:
      • Amazon ECS - EC2 - Generally Provisioned Instances
      • Amazon ECS - EC2 - Spot Backed Instances
      • Amazon ECS - Fargate
  • Versions and tooling support:
    • AWS SDK
  • Supported integrations:
    • ECS Service Discovery - Supported via Service Definition
    • ECS Circuit Breaker - Supported via Service Definition
    • Artifact Repository:
      • DockerHub
      • Amazon Elastic Container Registry
      • Azure Container Registry
      • Custom Artifact Source
      • Github Package Registry
      • Nexus 3
      • Artifactory
Amazon AMI/ASG
  • Overview:
  • Supported connectors for deployment:
    • AWS cloud connector
      • IRSA
      • Access Key and Secret Key
      • IAM Role
      • GovCloud Support
  • Supported platforms for deployment:
    • AWS cloud, any region
  • Versions and tooling support:
    • AWS SDK
AWS Lambda
  • Overview:
  • Supported connectors for deployment:
    • AWS Cloud Connector
      • IRSA
      • Access Key and Secret Key
      • IAM Role
      • GovCloud Support
  • Supported platforms for deployment:
    • AWS cloud, any region
  • Versions and tooling support:
    • AWS SDK
  • Supported integrations:
    • Artifact Repository Supported to Deploy with Function Definition:
      • Amazon Elastic Container Registry
      • Amazon S3
Traditional: WinRM
  • Overview:
  • Supported connectors for deployment:
    • AWS Cloud Connector
      • IRSA
      • Access Key and Secret Key
      • IAM Role
      • GovCloud Support
    • Azure Cloud Connector (AKS Authentication)
      • Subscription Id
      • Principal and Service Account
      • GovCloud Support
  • Supported platforms for deployment:
    • AWS Cloud
    • Azure Cloud
    • Physical Datacenter
Traditional: SSH
  • Overview:
  • Supported connectors for deployment:
    • AWS Cloud Connector
      • IRSA
      • Access Key and Secret Key
      • IAM Role
      • GovCloud Support
    • Azure Cloud Connector (AKS Authentication)
      • Subscription Id
      • Principal and Service Account
      • GovCloud Support
  • Supported platforms for deployment:
    • AWS Cloud
    • Azure Cloud
    • Physical Datacenter
  • Linux SSH Setups
    • Ubuntu Version 22+
    • RHEL9 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9)
    • SSH libraries supported:
      • SSHJ: used in our HashiCorp Vault SSH integrations.
      • JSCH: used in our SSH deployment types.
      • To see the hostkey formats for these libraries, go to the SSH implementation comparison.
  • Limitations:
    • Google Compute Engine (Virtual Machine Targets)
      • Limited Support, Harness can connect to Google VMs via an SSH Key, not via Google Cloud Authentication
Tanzu Application Service (formerly Pivotal Cloud Foundry)
  • Overview:
  • Supported connectors for deployment:
    • Tanzu Connector
      • Endpoint URL, Username and Password
  • Supported platforms for deployment:
    • On Premise Cloud Foundry Installations
    • VMware Tanzu Platform
  • Versions and tooling support:
    • Binary Versions:
      • CF CLI v7
Google Functions
  • Overview:
  • Supported connectors for deployment:
    • Google Cloud Connector
    • Service Account
  • Supported platforms for deployment:
    • Google Cloud, any region
  • Versions and tooling support:
    • Google SDK. Supported versions:
      • Google Functions Gen 1
      • Google Functions Gen 2
  • Deployment strategies:
    • Google Functions Gen 1: Basic.
    • Google Functions Gen 2: Basic, blue green, canary.
  • Supported integrations:
    • Artifact Repository:
      • Google Cloud Storage
      • Google Source Repository (Gen 1 Only)
Spot Instances
  • Overview:
  • Supported connectors for deployment:
    • Spot Connector
      • AccountID + API Token
  • Supported platforms for deployment:
    • AWS cloud, any region
  • Limitations:
    • Deployment Behavior:
      • Incremental Traffic Shifting for SpotInst Deployment is not supported
      • VM-based Deployments are supported via Elastigroup configuration Framework
  • Overview:
  • Supported connectors for deployment:
    • AWS Cloud Connector
      • IRSA
      • Access Key and Secret Key
      • IAM Role
  • Supported platforms for deployment:
    • AWS cloud, any region
  • Versions and tooling support:
    • Supported Binary Versions:
      • 1.x
      • 2.x
      • 3.x
  • Limitations:
    • Deployment Behavior:
      • Harness only supports AWS Lambda Functions to be deployed via Framework
      • Harness builds and deploys Lambda Functions, users cannot split up the tasks to build functions and deploy functions separately natively via the swimlane
    • Not supported application types:
      • Google Functions
      • Azure Functions
    • 1.x (limited support). Not all capabilities supported.
    • Basic deployment supported. No out-of-the-box canary and blue green deployment supported.
  • Supported integrations:
    • plugins:
      • Harness supports all the plugins. Please make sure they are compatible with the version of you are using.
    • Artifact Repository:
      • DockerHub
      • Amazon Elastic Container Registry
      • Artifactory
      • Amazon S3
Azure WebApps
  • Overview:
  • Supported connectors for deployment:
    • Azure Cloud Connector (AKS Authentication)
      • Subscription Id
      • Principal and Service Account
      • GovCloud Support
  • Supported platforms for deployment:
    • Azure cloud, any Region
  • Versions and tooling support:
    • Azure SDK
Builds in CD

Continuous Integration (CI) can be performed in Harness using the module and CI pipelines.

If you are using Harness Continuous Delivery (CD) but not Harness Continuous Integration (CI), you can still perform CI using the Jenkins step in your CD stage.

Harness integrates with Jenkins, enabling you to run Jenkins jobs and dynamically capture inputs and outputs from the jobs.


Harness GitOps lets you perform GitOps deployments in Harness. You define the desired state of the service you want to deploy in your Git manifest, and then use Harness GitOps to sync state with your live Kubernetes cluster.

GitOps supports the following:

  • Source Repositories:
    • All Git providers.
    • HTTP Helm repos.
  • Target clusters:
    • Kubernetes clusters hosted on any platform:
      • GKE.
      • AKS.
      • EKS.
      • Other Kubernetes-compliant clusters.
      • OpenShift version 3.11, 4.x.
      • Minikube.
      • Kubernetes Operations (kops).
  • Repository Certificates:
    • TLS Certificate (PEM format).
    • SSH Known Host Entry.
  • GnuPG Keys:
    • GnuPG Public Key Data (ASCII-armored).
Local (Harness Community Edition)

Harness CD Community Edition is a lightweight version of Harness that you can download and run on your laptop or any VM.

Harness CD Community Edition is intended to get devs started with Harness quickly without having to sign up for a Harness SaaS account.


For non-native deployments, Harness provides a custom deployment option using Deployment Templates.


  • AWS and Azure GovCloud: Harness is now certified in Azure GovCloud and AWS GovCloud.

Continuous Integration (CI)

The following table lists Harness support for CI platforms, repos, registries, and related technologies.

Source Code Management (SCM)Artifact repositoriesContainer registriesBuild farm platformsTesting frameworks
  • Azure Repos
  • Bitbucked
  • GitHub
  • GitLab
  • AWS CodeCommit
  • Other (platform-agnostic Git connector)
  • Artifactory
  • AWS S3
  • JFrog
  • Azure Container Registry (ACR)
  • Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR)
  • Google Container Registry (GCR)
  • Docker registries (e.g. Docker Hub)
  • Other
  • Harness Cloud (built-in)
  • Kubernetes cluster (platform agnostic)
  • Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS)
  • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
  • AWS Linux and Windows VMs
  • Red Hat OpenShift 4
  • Bazel
  • Maven
  • Gradle
  • Nunit
  • Other

Continuous Verification

Harness supports the following Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and log management tools:

APM tools

Harness CV supports the following APM tools:

  • AppDynamics
  • Amazon CloudWatch
  • Custom health source
  • Datadog
  • Dynatrace
  • Google Cloud Operations (formerly Stackdriver)
  • New Relic
  • Prometheus (includes support for AWS Prometheus)
  • Splunk Observability (formerly SignalFx)
  • Sumo Logic

Harness supports most of the popular APM tools, but there may be instances where Harness don't have a native connector. Using the Harness Custom Health Source feature, you can integrate such APM tools with Harness.

Log management tools

Harness CV supports the following log management tools:

  • Datadog
  • Elasticsearch
  • Google Cloud Operations (formerly Stackdriver)
  • Grafana Loki
  • Splunk
  • Sumo Logic

Harness supports most of the popular log management tools, but there may be instances where Harness don't have a native connector. Using the Harness Custom Health Source feature, you can integrate such log management tools with Harness.

Cloud Cost Management

Supported Kubernetes Management Platform

The following section lists the support for the Kubernetes management platform for CCM:

TechnologySupported PlatformPricing
OpenShift 3.11GCPGCP
OpenShift 4.3AWSOn-PremAWSCustom-rate*
Kops (Kubernetes Operations)AWSAWS
Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition (TKGI)On-PremCustom-rate***

* Cost data is supported for On-Prem OpenShift 4.3. This uses a custom rate.

** Cost data is supported for K8s workloads on AWS managed by Rancher, but the cost falls back to the custom rate.

*** Cost is computed using a custom rate. This can be modified by Harness on request.

Supported ingress controllers for Kubernetes AutoStopping

The following table lists the ingress controllers supported for Kubernetes AutoStopping:

Ingress ControllerExtent of Support
Nginx ingress controllerFully supported
HAProxy ingress controllerFully supported
Traefik as ingress gatewaySupported using ingress routes and manually configured middlewares
Istio as API gatewayFully supported
Ambassador as API gatewaySupported by manually editing the mapping

The supported Kubernetes version for AutoStopping is 1.19.

Feature Support Matrix

This section lists the feature support matrix for the supported cloud platforms:

AWS Service

Inventory DashboardRecommendationsAutoStopping
EC2YesYesYes (With Spot Orchestration)
Elastic IPsYesNoNA
ASGsNoNoYes (With Spot Orchestration)

GCP Product

Inventory DashboardRecommendationsAutoStopping
GCE VMsYesComing soonYes

Azure Product

Inventory DashboardRecommendationsAutoStopping
Virtual MachineYesComing soonYes (With Spot Orchestration)

Service Reliability Management

Harness supports the following Health Sources and Change Sources.

Health sources

A Health Source monitors changes in health trends of the Service using metrics and logs collected from an APM and log provider respectively.

Harness offers support for all major APM vendors, but there are cases where a customized APM is needed. The Custom Health Source lets you customize APMs of your choice.

Metrics providers and logging tools

Currently, Harness supports the following APMs and logging tools:

  • AppDynamics
  • Prometheus
  • Dynatrace
  • Splunk
  • Custom Health Source
  • Google Cloud Operations (formerly Stackdriver)
  • New Relic
  • Datadog

More tools will be added soon.

Change sources

A Change Source monitors change events related to deployments, infrastructure changes, and incidents. The following Change Sources are supported:

  • Harness CD NextGen
  • Harness CD
  • PagerDuty

Security Testing Orchestration

Go to Security Step Settings Reference.

Feature Flags

Harness Feature Flags supports client-side and server-side SDKs for a number of programming languages.

Supported client-side SDKs

The following table lists the client-side Feature Flag SDKs that Harness supports.

AndroidAndroid SDK Reference
iOSiOS SDK Reference
FlutterFlutter SDK Reference
JavascriptJavascript SDK Reference
React NativeReact Native SDK Reference
XamarinXamarin SDK Reference
React ClientReact Client Reference
React NativeReact Native Reference

Supported server-side SDKs

The following table lists the server-side Feature Flag SDKs that Harness supports.

.NET.NET SDK Reference
GoGo SDK Reference
JavaJava SDK Reference
Node.jsNode.js SDK Reference
PythonPython SDK Reference
RubyRuby SDK Reference
ApexApex SDK Reference
ErlangErlang SDK Reference
PHPPHP SDK Reference

Harness Chaos Engineering

Perform chaos experiments on applications in your infrastructure, such as a Kubernetes cluster. Use predefined or custom workflow templates.

Go to Introduction to Chaos Module.


The following table lists Harness support for collaboration tools.

Most providers are used in both Pipeline Notification Strategies and User Group notifications:

Provider NameNotificationApproval/Change Management
Microsoft TeamsYesN/A

Access control

The following table lists Harness support for SSO protocols and tools.

Go to Add and Manage Access Control.

SSO TypeSSO ProvidersAuthentication SupportedAuthorization (Group Linking) SupportedSCIM Provisioning
SAML 2.0OktaYesYesYes
Azure Active DirectoryYesYesYes
OAuth 2.0GithubYesNoN/A
LDAP (Delegate connectivity needed)Active DirectoryComing soonComing soonN/A
Open LDAPComing soonComing soonN/A
Oracle LDAPComing soonComing soonN/A

Secret management

The following table lists Harness support for cloud platform secrets management services.

Go to Harness Secrets Management Overview.

Provider NameKey Encryption SupportEncrypted Data Stored with HarnessSupport for Referencing Existing Secrets
AWS Secret ManagerYesNoYes
Hashicorp VaultYesNoYes
Azure Key VaultYesNoYes
Google KMSYesYesNo

Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition

The following table lists the major supported features for Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition offerings. For supported features, go to Supported features and integrations.

SolutionSupported PlatformConnectedHAMonitoringDisaster Recovery
Kubernetes ClusterKubernetes - GKE - AKS - EKSYesComing soonPrometheus, GrafanaComing soon

Supported Kubernetes versions for Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition

  • Self-Managed Enterprise Edition supports Kubernetes v.1.25, as well as versions 1.24, 1.23, 1.22, 1.21 and 1.20.
  • Effective October 7, 2022, with the release of version 76918, Self-Managed Enterprise Edition no longer supports Kubernetes open-source versions 1.18 and earlier.
  • Self-Managed Enterprise Edition supports the other versions of Kubernetes you use on a best-effort basis.
  • Harness commits to support new minor versions of Kubernetes within three months of the first stable release. For example, if the stable release of 1.25.0 occurs on August 31, Harness extends compatibility by November 30.

Terms of support for Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition

Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition does not introduce changes that break compatibility with supported versions of Kubernetes. For example, Self-Managed Enterprise Edition does not use features from Kubernetes version n that do not work in Kubernetes version n-2.

Installation and upgrade preflight checks provide warnings when you use unsupported Kubernetes versions.

In cases where you encounter a problem related to an incompatibility issue, you must upgrade your cluster. Harness does not issue a patch to accommodate the use of unsupported Kubernetes versions.

SDKs installed with Harness Delegate

Harness Delegate includes binaries for the SDKs that are required for deployments with Harness-supported integrations. These include binaries for Helm, ChartMuseum, kubectl, Kustomize, and so on.

Kubernetes Deployments

For Kubernetes deployments, the following SDKs/tools are included in the delegate image type 78306 and later.

  • kubectl: v1.24.3
  • Helm: v2.13.1, 3.1.2, 3.8.0
  • Kustomize: v4.5.4
  • OpenShift: v4.2.16

The versions can be found in the Harness public GitHub repo.

For details on updating the default tool versions, go to Build custom delegate images with third-party tools.

For Kubernetes deployments, the following SDKs/tools are certified.

Manifest TypeRequired Tool/SDKCertified Version
Helm (chart is stored in GCS or S3)kubectlv1.25.6
chartmuseumv0.8.2 and v0.12.0

Native Helm deployments

For Native Helm deployments, the following SDKs/tools are certified.

Manifest TypeRequired Tool/SDKCertified Version
Helm Charthelmv3.9.2
kubectlRequired if Kubernetes version is 1.16+.v1.25.6

Install a Delegate with custom SDK and 3rd-party tool binaries

To support customization, Harness provides a Harness Delegate image that does not include any third-party SDK binaries. We call this image the No Tools Image.

Using the No Tools Image and Delegate YAML, you can install the specific SDK versions you want. You install software on the Delegate using the INIT_SCRIPT environment variable in the Delegate YAML.

For steps on using the No Tools Delegate image and installing specific SDK versions, go to Install a Delegate with 3rd Party Tool Custom Binaries.

The Update Framework (TUF)

The Update Framework (TUF) is an open source specification for that provides instructions on how to organize, sign, and interact with metadata to secure package managers.

Harness includes native TUF support via the following:

  • Deployment templates: Deployment Templates use shell scripts to connect to target platforms, obtain target host information, and execute deployment steps.
    • Deployment Templates can obtain the required metadata for native TUF support, and generate and validate signatures in the software lifecycle.
  • OCI image registry support:
  • Enforce the rotation of secrets and key management practices:
  • Continuous Verification: TUF recommends the verification of deployments akin to Harness Continuous Verification.

Harness Open Source Software (OSS) components

The following document lists the open source libraries and third-party software Harness uses.

Supported browsers

The following desktop browsers are supported:

  • Chrome: latest version
  • Firefox: latest version
  • Safari: latest version
  • All Chromium-based browsers.

Mobile browsers are not supported.

Supported screen resolution

Minimum supported screen resolution is 1440x900.