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Add Samba Server Artifact Servers

You can share files and folders on your network and use them for an SMB Artifact Server connection.

In this topic:

Before You Begin

Visual Summary

Here's an example configuration of Samba Server Artifact Source.

The SMB dialog has the following fields.

Step 1: Select Samba Server

To connect to an artifact server, do the following:

  1. Click Setup.
  2. Click Connectors.
  3. Click Artifact Servers.
  4. Click Add Artifact Server.
  5. In Type, click Samba Server.

Step 2: Display Name

Enter a name for the Samba Server. This is the name you will use to identify this connection when adding the Artifact Source to a Harness Service.

Step 3: SMB URL

Enter a value that contains the smb:\\ scheme followed by the hostname or IP address and folder name. For example, smb:\\\share.

If you want to specify a folder in the URL, you can enter the folder using the \myFolder format, such as smb:\\\myFolder. Typically, you will specify the folder when you use the SMB Artifact Server as an Artifact Source for a Service.

Step 4: Domain

Enter the Windows domain where the host containing the shared folder is located.

Step 5: Username and Password

Use a user account that has permissions to access the shared folder.

For secrets and other sensitive settings, select or create a new Harness Encrypted Text secret.

Usage Scope is determined by the secret you selected.

Click Submit.

Review: Adding Samba Server to a Service

When you use the SMB Artifact Server as an Artifact Source for a Service, you can specify a file or a folder for the artifact. This allows a folder to be copied to the deployment target host by the Harness Delegate. Here is the SMB Artifact Source dialog:

In Artifact Path, you can specify a file or folder by name or using wildcards. The following are examples for matching different files and folders:

  • todo-*zip - All matching files, such,
  • test/*zip - All zip files under test folder.
  • test/1* - All folders under test folder starting with 1.
  • test/* - All folders under test folder.