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Skip Harness Label Selector Tracking on Kubernetes Deployments

Currently, this feature is behind the feature flag SKIP_ADDING_TRACK_LABEL_SELECTOR_IN_ROLLING. Contact Harness Support to enable the feature.You can prevent Harness from using its default Kubernetes label selector stable during Canary deployments. Skipping this label can help when you have existing non-Harness deployed services or conflicts in naming.

Review: Labels in Harness Kubernetes Canary Phases

Default Harness Kubernetes Canary deployments are a two phase process that relies on Deployment object labels for tracking.

First, let's review the two phase Canary deployment:

  1. Canary Phase:
    1. Harness creates a Canary version of the Kubernetes Deployment object defined in your Service Definition Manifests section.
    2. All pods in the Canary Phase have label the canary. Traffic could be routed to these pods using this label.
    3. Once that Deployment is verified, the Canary Delete step deletes it by default.
      Using this method, Harness provides a Canary group as a way to test the new build, run your verification, and then roll out to the following Primary group.
  2. Primary Phase:
    1. Runs the actual Deployment using a Kubernetes Rolling Update with the number of pods you specify in the Manifests files (for example, replicas: 3).
    2. All pods in the Primary Phase have label stable.

Review: Invalid Value LabelSelector

Kubernetes labels are immutable. If a specific Deployment object already exists in the cluster, you cannot change its labels.

This can cause problems with the default Harness Kubernetes Canary deployments use of if the Deployment object already exists before the Harness deployment.

If you are deploying different Harness Deployment objects to the same cluster, you might encounter a Selector error such as this:

The Deployment “harness-example-deployment” is invalid: spec.selector:   
Invalid value: v1.LabelSelector{MatchLabels:map[string]string{“app”:“harness-example”},
MatchExpressions:[]v1.LabelSelectorRequirement{}}: field is immutable

Most often, you can simply delete or rename the Deployment object. In some case, this can be a problem because you will have downtime when the object is restarted.

As an alternative, you can force Harness to skip the stable label in the Canary deployment.

Skipping the Tracking Label

Once the relevant feature flag is enabled, a Harness Kubernetes Canary deployment will work like this:

  • If the Deployment object already exists in the cluster without the stable, Harness will not add the stable label to the Deployment object.
  • If the Deployment object already exists with the stable label, Harness will not delete it.
  • For any new Deployment object, Harness will not add the stable label.